About me

Hi! I am a final year “la Caixa” PhD Candidate in the VLBI Group led by with Dr. José L. Gómez at Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA - CSIC), Granada, Spain.

I am interested in understanding black hole accretion and performing tests of General Relativity through direct modeling of supermassive black holes. I am also keen to understand how relativistic jets are launched and how the accretion disk connects to the relativistic jets. To understand these problems, I develop and use tools that use Bayesian inference and model images/videos through radio interferometric observations, such as the data from Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)

In this regard, throughout my PhD, I have led and worked on various projects/papers in EHT Collaboration that give insights into black hole accretion and testing of General Relativity. For these projects, I have extensively used the Bayesian imaging/modeling method Comrade.jl (Julia programming software). Currently, I am developing Comrade.jl to support dynamical imaging.

You can checkout my projects in detail in Research.

I am actively looking for postdoctoral positions starting from Fall 2025, focused on developing tools for solving inverse problems in astrophysics. I would like to transition into a more interdisciplinary research, at the intersection of Bayesian inference, machine learning and black hole physics. If you are interested in collaborating with me or have any potential positions, please get in touch with me through my email: rdahale@iaa.es